These items are subject to change as Dauntless evolves and improves, if you run into any problems with these items after doing a reset, please let us know. Transmog Armours, Weapons, and Lanterns.If you run into any troubles or if you have any questions, please contact us and we will be happy to clear it up or look into it. I tried almost everything, trying to reset the quest, reviving Cachino ect. Note, if you're already in-game you may need to relog for this. After pressing that, you will be prompted to confirm you want to proceed with the reset, once you confirm, your character will be irrecoverably wiped. The quest wont finish though all things required to finished are checked/crossed out anyone know how to reset a quest Fallout 4 PC. quarter mastery sends me all the way to far harbor and the other tells me to go outside then when im outside it tells me to go inside. If you want to start your adventure all over again, you can do so by launching the game and opening the Options Menu from the Main Menu, in the Gameplay tab you will see a Reset Character button. How do you reset quests I need to reset 2 quest in Fallout 4, semper invicta and quarter mastery. Its worth noting that the tilde key might not work, depending on your. Please note that this will not remove any Account Items. Simply activate the console, type in the command, hit Enter and close the console and watch as the cheat takes effect.

Players have the ability to optionally reset their progression and start their character from scratch.